
Filling in the Timeline: June-November

Before I start defending myself, let’s get something straight: I am inherently lazy. Who else would start a blog, see it hit a couple thousand views and then just abandon it for almost six months? Consider this our coffee date to catch up. This summer, I worked two jobs and stayed perpetually exhausted. I would detail the events that led me to ditch the blog and delete my social media apps from my phone, but I hope to make an entire post about the summer of 2018 and how the lessons I learned can help you. For right now, let’s keep it simple and say it sucked. That’s the most poetic term I can think to use. In July, my family and I took on the beaches of South Carolina and for two weekends in a row in October, I visited my sister in Indianapolis. During one of these Indy adventures, I was lucky enough to meet my idols, a few of the guys from Whose Line is it Anyway?, for the third time. The beach has kept my skin sun-kissed while the trips to Indy have kept my momentum alive to f

Tennessee, USA to Chester, UK: The Road So Far

Before the summer started, I went into a panic. My mind realized I would be graduating from East Tennessee State University in exactly two years. This much was fine. However, my thoughts quickly spiraled out of control. I’d have to get a dead-end job nearby. I’d be there for years. I’d marry an accountant and we would buy a house we couldn’t afford in a town we didn’t want to live in. Would we have  children ? Like most 20-somethings going through a crisis, I started planning expensive trips to countries that only looked impressive through Instagram likes. Of course, I couldn’t afford to eat strawberries on the beaches of Guam or ride bikes through the cobblestone streets of Italy. And I think deep down, I wanted something more than that. With a quick Google search for “ETSU study abroad” and a phone call, I had an appointment to be at Yoakley Hall at 1:30. I arrived far too early but was ushered into an office anyway. I took the seat offered to me and wondered if my sweat was

Meet Gatsby/Catsby: The Story of the Waffle House Cat

My family has added another stocking to the fireplace this holiday season, but we can’t keep the owner out of the tree. Allow me to introduce Gatsby. Mother’s Day weekend, my mom and I took to Asheville for adventure and shopping. We spent our day exploring the beautiful downtown of the city and putting miles in on the road. For a perfect end, we stopped at Waffle House around 1 AM for some chocolate smothered waffles and a cup of coffee. I am open to sharing my love for Waffle House with whoever desires. I know my Northern or non-American readers may be unfamiliar with the southern staple. Therefore, I will do my best to place you in a syrup covered booth. Waffle House is not food; it’s an experience. I am a frequent customer, yet I can count the times I have visited during normal hours on one hand. If you ever find yourself in rural southern America, chances are that you will have an illuminated yellow beacon to guide your journey and fill your stomach. You do not visit

30 Years of Love in 5 Questions

"When you're a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates - my kids are gonna be right about that." If that quote sounds familiar, you are probably a fan of NBC's hit show, The Office . I remember watching this episode with my dad during one of our nightly routines in Wisconsin. Then a middle school student, it struck me what those words meant. Having just moved 1200 miles from the only place we knew as home, I was able to evaluate our family without the everyday blur of hometown formalities. I was aware of how my parents' relationship was such a constant in my life. In my eyes, it had never once faltered. When my elementary school best friend found out her parent's were divorcing, I didn't believe her. I thought that was something that only happened on TV. Luckily, I was one of the kids who assumed correctly, much like Jim and Pam's children. Thirty years ago today, my parents exchanged rings, my dad wearing quite possibly the snazziest tux

Blog Challenge Day 8: 10 Favorite Books and What They Say About Me (Part One)

I once heard you can tell a lot about a person by the books they keep on their shelves. Ironically, I think I read this in a mystery book, one that I cannot remember. Since then, I have become more aware of the books I display in my room. I, like many book lovers, have a bad habit of roaming bookstores on Saturdays and buying books for the simple reason that they were on sale. Therefore, I own at least a dozen books that I have not even cracked the spine on. The upside of this is that I always have a large selection when I feel the need to read. The downside is that I now own two copies of Top Dog by Maria Goodavage. This selection is by no means my top 10 list. It just happens to be the first ten I think of. It would probably be impossible for me to pick my top 10. For instance, as a child I would have told you my favorite book series is Seekers , an ongoing story about three bears who journey to accomplish various internal tasks. For those of you from my generation, this was

What You Need On Your Monday: Ten Favorite Vines

Happy Monday everyone! I am sure you are all thrilled to return to work and class. Normally, I do not mind Mondays. However, the US is continuing to get pounded with snow and rain. My poor Wisconsin friends have posted photos of their two-foot snowfall, much to their dismay. Today at work in Johnson City, TN, we have joked that we have had all four seasons in the past hour.  It is also the time of year for students to begin cramming for finals. I have dozens of presentations, papers and exams that I am pretending do not exist. No matter what your schedule, you can always find time for six seconds of comedy.  Therefore, while I sit here at the front desk of the college of education, I have taken on the challenge of compiling 10 of my favorite Vines. Enjoy. 1) Gavin and the Lawn Flier Little Gavin is an essential for every Vine compilation. This is my personal favorite of the child Vine star.  2) Fre Sha Vocado Don't ask.  3) Look at this gr

The Wander Society

Today, I did what every introvert does on their Saturday off. Having no plans, I finally straightened my hair and put some foundation over my blemishes. I had a hot date with the clearance section of Books-A-Million. I bypassed the new releases and found myself in the bargain priced reference section. I stumbled upon "The Wander Society" by Keri Smith. I recognized the name; Smith has been on the top of the charts with "Wreck This Journal" for a few years. For those of you unfamiliar with this quirky gift book, the journal gives you strange directions as to how to creatively deface it. I have not tried it, but I have heard it is a lot of fun. "The Wander Society" is an interesting name in itself, so I picked it up and read the synopsis. Cleverly, Smith explains you can only know if you need the book by taking the questionnaire on the first page. If you answer, yes to three or more questions, you're out of $6. Long story short, I took it to the coun