
Showing posts from June, 2018

30 Years of Love in 5 Questions

"When you're a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates - my kids are gonna be right about that." If that quote sounds familiar, you are probably a fan of NBC's hit show, The Office . I remember watching this episode with my dad during one of our nightly routines in Wisconsin. Then a middle school student, it struck me what those words meant. Having just moved 1200 miles from the only place we knew as home, I was able to evaluate our family without the everyday blur of hometown formalities. I was aware of how my parents' relationship was such a constant in my life. In my eyes, it had never once faltered. When my elementary school best friend found out her parent's were divorcing, I didn't believe her. I thought that was something that only happened on TV. Luckily, I was one of the kids who assumed correctly, much like Jim and Pam's children. Thirty years ago today, my parents exchanged rings, my dad wearing quite possibly the snazziest tux